On the new portrait site I have two options for sessions. The simple session or the artistic session. Just to give you an idea of the differences here, I thought I would give you a small taste of a few of the many finishes that your pictures can have. All of these are custom to Silverline. The homestead action I did purchase, but then combined it with another action and then tweaked it after that.
When you book a simple session all of your images are presented to you in full color.
When you book an artistic session, your images will be presented in any of the bazillion finishes I think they look good in. If you don't like a finish we change it. Simple.
Next time I will show you a few art pieces. You will get one to three of these with the artistic package. They are very very custom finishes (textures, overlays, custom brush appliques etc. )applied after the color finish to give it texture and depth. Once images have those and are printed on canvas in a decent size, well, now you have a piece of art my dear.