Monday, June 23, 2008

Benefit Dinner and Dance

Hey everyone. I just wanted to make sure everyone knows about the Cam and Coralee Williams benefit dinner and dance tonight. It is at 6:00pm at the Cardston High School Gym. Dinner is $3 a plate and all proceeds go to the Williams fam. There is also a famous country singer coming - and I apologize I can't remember his name - but he'll be there bringing down the house. For those of you who dont know these amazing people, they just so happen to be my next door neighbours whom we love. Cam is in Montreal right now getting geared up for a second bone marrow transplant as he is fighting lukemia or CML. They have 3 adorable children and both Cam and Coralee are school teachers in Cardston.
It seems like most of us know someone out there that has had or is fighting cancer and knows the toll it takes. If you'd like to make a difference than donations are so appreciated in so many ways including blood donors. Please consider doing something to help those people out who need it. As far as Silverline goes, anyone who books a portrait session before July 15th, the $100 sitting fee will be donated directly to Cam and Coralee. That means if you were already going to spend the money for a session this summer, you can now do so with 100% of the proceeds going towards the Williams family. What a great way to donate and still get your pictures!
For those of you who will be at the dinner tonight, come and see me as we will be trying to get as many pictures as possible of you all. They will be printed in a book and given to the Williams family. For updates on Cam at any time you can go to their blog at
Cor, if your reading this, just know we are doing it anyway and you'll love it. And if your not, well, then lets get this rolling!